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Personal Care Tips for Seniors

Personal Care In Yonkers
Personal Care in Yonkers

As seniors age, they may start having personal care and hygiene issues. While it can be awkward to discuss hygiene and personal care with your senior parent, it’s essential to talk about any issues they’re having. Hygiene is part of maintaining good health, and seniors who have medical conditions like diabetes must maintain good hygiene as part of their everyday routine so that they don’t make their condition worse.

Personal care at home can help seniors maintain a high level of personal hygiene if they struggle. Personal care at home can also make maintaining hygiene less awkward for your senior parent because they do not have to ask their child to help toileting or showering. Some personal care tips that seniors can use to make it easier to maintain their hygiene at home are:

Use Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo can soak up the oil in unwashed hair between washes so that the hair stays clean and dry and doesn’t look oily or matted. Dry shampoo comes in powder and sprays so that if your senior loved one has trouble using a spray bottle, they can just put some of the powder on a hairbrush and brush it through their hair. Or a care provider can spray some in the hair close to the root. Dry shampoo is also something your senior loved one should have in their hospital emergency bag.

Use Bacteria Killing Full Body Deodorant Wipes

Many seniors have incontinence and are embarrassed about it. They worry about any accompanying odor. But there is a great product that can eliminate any odor for 72 hours. Specialty deodorant wipes that attack the bacteria that cause odor are something every senior with incontinence needs. They are gentle on the skin and a convenient way to eliminate any odor associated with incontinence for up to three days. They can be used on any part of the body, so if your senior loved one can’t wear deodorant, they could use these wipes to keep themselves smelling clean and fresh.

Use Petroleum Jelly After Washing Your Face

An easy way for seniors to keep their faces and hands soft and smooth is to apply a thin layer of Vaseline to their skin after washing. Petroleum jelly will form a protective barrier that will seal moisture and keep out dirt and debris. Your senior parent should wash their face and hands and apply regular moisturizer. Then after the moisturizer has soaked into the skin, they can apply a tiny amount of petroleum jelly to their face and hands to keep them soft and from getting dry.

Adaptive Devices Can Make Getting Dressed Easier

Seniors can also benefit from using adaptive devices that will make dressing easier. Many devices are available to help seniors put on their socks, pull a shirt over their head, button up pants or a shirt, pull up zippers, and put on jackets.

Amelia Home Care provides traditional in-home care services, virtual caregiving, and remote patient monitoring. Our service area includes Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Westchester County. For Personal Care in Yonkers, call today at (929) 333-3955.


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